Courses Events
Looking to the
future of flood
risk at Flood
and Coast 2018
JBA Aware
Site working
Do you undertake site visits? Have
you attended the JBA H&S Risk
Assessment training? Contact your
team leader to make sure you do.
Take the site visit quiz and find out what happened at the Flood
and Coast conference. Are you off to an event in the coming
month? Email us so we can shout about what you're doing.
River Resotration
conference 2018
Our next big event, the RRC
takes place on 24-25 April
in Nottingham.
We have four speakers, eight
posters and will promote our
attendance with this video
and Knowledge Hub posts.
Catch up with
CIWEM in their
latest E-Newsletter
Alex Jones was last month's
winner - "Good karma is a great
form of PPE."
Test how site visit savy you
are with our quick quiz!
Thursday 29 March 2018
Caption corner
Email us your comments to be crowned
this month's winner.
Our signed
to the WEM
JBA Bentley
in Current
Watch the Health
and Safety
lunchtime talks
on the Office 365
video channel